29 Ιανουαρίου 2015

Can Syriza really pull Greece out of austerity?

‘Tsipras can build a country that respects its citizens and their rights’

I’m a realist so I don’t expect great changes to come the day after the elections. But I hope that Greece under the leadership of Tsipras will end this harsh austerity. I believe he can build a country that respects its citizens and their rights, which are violated nowadays by the current government. I think that economy, reforms, unemployment, education, social protection and security are the key points that the new government should put more weight on. These factors affect all citizens and can lead to trusting or mistrusting politicians.

Despite the defamation suffered, Syriza is a pro-European party that respects the European institutions. I believe that Tsipras wants Greece to stay in the euro, but this doesn’t mean that we accept the unfair austerity. His vision of a better European Union can inspire the Greeks and Europeans to rally around him.

Dimitris Makrystathis, 25, Patras

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